HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC



18 y 19 de Septiembre de 2024, en São Paulo Expo - SP

¡Healthcare Innovation Show – HIS es el mayor y más importante evento de tecnología e innovación en la salud en América Latina! ¡Fueron más de 100 marcas presentando soluciones para el sector y 200 oradores compartiendo cases, conocimiento y tendencias!

¿Qué es HIS!?

Desde su primera edición, realizada en el 2014, Healthcare Innovation Show - HIS promueve el encuentro de decisores, influenciadores y soluciones de toda la cadena de la salud digital. Organizado por Informa Markets, organizadora de la Feria Hospitalar, de Salud Business Forum y de otras 15 ferias y 100 congresos en el área de la salud alrededor del mundo, visitados por 700.000 profesionales de la salud.

HIS actualmente se posiciona como el mayor y más importante evento de tecnología e innovación en la salud en América Latina, pues conecta a más de 100 marcas en dos días de evento. 

Además de generar oportunidad de negocios y mucho networking, el evento también cuenta con contenido práctico, demostrado a través de cases de éxito y se vuelve completo con la presencia de Startups que promueven la actualización e innovación al sector.

El único evento de salud que concentra a todos los influenciadores de decisión con enfoque en tecnología.

Escenarios con contenido rico, temas actuales y presentación de cases y soluciones que muestran en la práctica la aplicación para su negocio en el ámbito nacional.

Ambiente intimista que favorece las conexiones y posibilidades de negocios.

¡Soluciones de más de 100 marcas¡

¡En el 2023 la novedad fue el Escenario de Demostración de Soluciones que presentó las principales soluciones tecnológicas para el sector de la salud, de manera rápida, directa y muy eficiente!

El evento también trajo discusiones con paneles que abordaron tendencias, además de los cases de éxito de diversas instituciones, demostrando la aplicabilidad de la innovación en el sector.

¡La transformación digital ya comenzó!

Check out how HIS 2023 went

João Henrique

I was at the wonderful HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show this past Thursday.

Lots of knowledge, news and possible cool suppliers for those who want to bring innovative solutions to the healthcare sector.

This was one of the first in-person events I went to since the start of the pandemic. I missed you.

João Moreira

I highlight Silvio Meira's agenda, good reflections on platform architectures and health ecosystems and FiGiTal.

Afterwards, I attended the interoperability panel, which, in addition to Luan's presence, also included Rafaela Guerra with important observations about interoperability in the scenario of a hospital network and healthcare provider.

In addition to this topic, it was possible to follow some cases of the patient's digital journey, the use of artificial intelligence to optimize processes and also the Bradesco Saúde NPS case very well presented by Fabio Daher.


#digitalhealth #vitta

Diogo Martins

It was incredible to be able to see the present and future of global health in an event with such important and necessary discussions and of course, very proud to see all this happening and being discussed here in Brazil 🇧🇷. Thank you for all the real and human connections I had there, I'll see you again next year.

HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show JoVE

#saude #health #educacao #education #inovacao #innovation #jov

Amanda Daniela Belinelo

What an event...HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show Congratulations, everything was great. Thank you Juliana Viana Fiusa Moro for being with me on this incredible day.

Several topics were debated on the stages and Silvio Meira's talk really caught my attention and I would like to congratulate him where he brought to us a very relevant topic "where Innovation is not technology but technology enables innovation".

Innovation is about changing behaviors and we have to focus health on PEOPLE.

Lilian Quintal Hoffmann and @FernandoTorelly congratulations on the brilliant explanation.

Cassia Bufolin

I was at HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show and there, in addition to meeting many friends, I had the pleasure of discovering new products and listening to several speakers show countless paths towards more collaborative and integrated healthcare.

Fantastic to see how the Teledermato project that we implemented at the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo in 2017/18 in partnership with Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein not only bore fruit, but also took on an immense dimension in the hands of Pedro Vieira, MD. He presented his AI image processing project for the Dermato, Neuro and Thorax areas, in addition to connecting the data with the RNDS, all with PROADI support.

Deivson Mundim

My thanks to the organization of HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show 2023 for two days of inspiring immersion that presented us with countless perspectives.

May the #futures arrive and may we be prepared for that future.

Innovation. Competitiveness. Longevity.

See you in 2024.

#healthcare #innovation #future #IA

Samuel Coelho

Yesterday and today I participated in HIS - Healthcare Innovation Show 2023 and it was incredible!!

I had the opportunity to attend several lectures by renowned experts in the field of health and technology. We discuss topics that are revolutionizing medicine, such as advanced telemedicine, AI for diagnostics and blockchain in health data management. These discussions opened my mind to the transformative potential of technology in healthcare.

I look forward to applying this knowledge to the solutions we develop here at Lyncas and contributing to a healthier and more efficient future!

#Health #MedicalTechnology #HIS2023"

Projetos Sociais apoiados pelo HIS 2024

A Informa Markets Latam, uma organização que se destaca não apenas por seu compromisso com eventos de qualidade, mas também por sua dedicação à sustentabilidade, este ano apoiou projetos sociais que promovem impacto positivo em nossa comunidade e no planeta. Buscamos sempre maneiras inovadoras de integrar práticas sustentáveis e éticas em todos os nossos processos.